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Unconditional Love: The Key to Ascension


Once upon a time there was a pair of Twin Flames, both born in different parts of the world. They lived regular human lives and followed traditional education until the universe decided to intervene, awakening them to their true purpose. As starseeds, they were tasked with understanding and integrating the evolutionary life lessons of love for their selves, their fellow human companions and for the One Creator.


​Their paths naturally began to merge as they synchronistically followed the road inward to rediscover that which had been forgotten. And then, amidst an online meditation group, they found each other once more, subliminally recognizing distinctive features that struck a chord. Familiar frequencies, voices, and eyes caught their attention. He saw her, and she saw him, feeling a magnetism that would only pull stronger the closer they came. “I want to live with this woman,” he contemplated in the solitude of his mind. She too felt as if the vibrations in his vocal cords were those of a past life. Even beyond coincidence, this meeting was destiny, where fate set the date.


As they grew fonder, a decision to meet face-to-face was made in the vortex of Mt.Shasta on a magical autumn day. From here, they mutually saw the light behind their bodily facades and realized that they were meant to fuse into Divine Union, carrying the task that had been imprinted on their hearts long before the return.


Their journey back wasn’t easy, but they knew that they were meant to share each other’s footsteps, walking the path of Ascension in tandem. And as they continue to navigate reality, they do so with the internal confirmation that their love is written in the stars and carried on by their guides forever.


Spencer, known in the metaphysical community as JunkDNA, is a Metaphysicist and an initiate of The Law of One. His commitment lies in the expansion of consciousness and service to others. He has established several initiatives aimed at fostering conscious communities, notably the "Know Thy Self Mystery School" and the annual "StarBloom Festival of Consciousness". In collaboration with his Ascension Partner, Clara, Spencer co-created The Quantum Light. Together, they craft transformative experiences for in-person and online engagements. Using Internet platforms, Spencer has published his transmissions about Multidimensional Wisdom, offering tangible interpretations of Creation.


Clara's journey into the mystical began with a serendipitous encounter with tarot cards. A transformative event propelled her on a path of self-discovery, leading her to become a meditation teacher and establish a spiritual retreat in Santiago, Chile. Her debut book, "The Codes of Origin," was conceived under the guidance of The Council of Twelve. Clara is a conduit for messages from higher dimensions, offering her service by channeling high-frequency energies, light codes, and light language. Her work is dedicated to unlocking the innate potential within each soul. As a guide, she assists others on their paths of self-discovery, weaving a rich tapestry of love, light, and ascension.

Our Mission

We are The Quantum Light, twin souls united in sacred purpose. Our mission is to ignite, inspire, and invoke spiritual transformation in all realms of existence. Our collective energy, born of shared divinity, radiates a unique frequency that synchronizes and magnetically attracts synergy.

Our services are imbued with channeled wisdom & techniques that guide seekers on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking their ultimate potential by accessing higher realm wisdom. We offer a comprehensive approach to energy, frequency, and vibration, utilizing the power of crystals, sound, and the individual's spirit matrix to align soul consciousness with the unified field of source awareness.

Under our guidance, individuals are empowered to deepen their spiritual connections, cultivate mindfulness, and awaken their dormant multidimensionality. We welcome you to The Quantum Light, a safe space of shared resonance and spiritual growth. Join us on this journey of transformation and discovery. Welcome to the Quantum Light.